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This website is operated and maintained by Price Capital LLC, a New York State & Texas State Registered Investment Advisor.


Brokerage services provided to clients of Price Capital LLC by Wells Fargo Clearing Services and TradePMR, SEC registered broker-dealers and member FINRA/SIPC.


Investment Products

NOT FDIC-Insured  NO Bank Guarantee  MAY Lose Value


Investing in securities involves risks, and there is always the potential of losing money when you invest in securities. Before investing, consider your investment objectives, charges and expenses.


Past performance does not guarantee future results, and the likelihood of investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature. Not an offer, solicitation of an offer, or advice to buy or sell securities in jurisdictions where Price Capital LLC is not registered.


Price Capital may only transact business or render personalized investment advice in those states and international jurisdictions where we are registered/filed notice or otherwise excluded or exempted from registration requirements. The purpose of this web site is for information distribution on products and services. Any communications with prospective clients residing in states or international jurisdictions where Price Capital is not registered or licensed shall be limited so as not to trigger registration or licensing requirements.


Social Media

Facebook “likes”, Twitter “follows”, and other social media followers do not imply that the followers endorse or recommend Price Capital LLC as an investment advisor. It is not known whether they approve or disapprove of Price Capital LLC or the advisory services provided.


Privacy Disclosures

In November 1999, Congress passed major changes to modernize the laws that govern the financial services industry, including those designed to safeguard individual privacy. At TradePMR, Inc., protecting our clients’ privacy is paramount; we recognize that an individual’s financial matters are extremely private and sensitive in nature. These laws and regulations, combined with our long-standing firm policies, enable us to protect your privacy and, at the same time, provide you with a broad range of high quality accounts and services.


We collect only the information that is required to provide you with the highest quality professional services or that is required by law and regulation. This nonpublic personal information about you is collected from the following sources: information we receive from you on applications or other forms; information about your transactions with us, our affiliates, or others; and information we receive from consumer reporting agencies as needed.


Employee access to customer information is restricted to those who have a legitimate need to know in order to provide you with our professional services, or to comply with laws and regulations. We maintain both physical and electronic safeguards in accordance with federal law and regulatory standards; any employee who has access to individual information receives training and is required to follow company procedures designed specifically to keep that information confidential. Please notify us if it ever appears that our records contain incomplete or inaccurate information about you. We will promptly investigate your concerns and make any necessary corrections.


We provide information to outside vendors only to the extent necessary to complete your financial transactions, to keep you fully informed as to these transactions, and to maintain our professional relationship with you. Any information that we must provide these outside vendors is restricted as to content and recipient. Any organization that receives such information must provide us with a copy of its privacy policy, and each policy will be reviewed to ensure that it is sufficient to meet TradePMR’s client information privacy standards.


Under no circumstances whatsoever will TradePMR sell information about you or your business to any vendor, public or private.


Protecting your privacy is an ongoing process. As technology continues to advance, TradePMR will continue to evaluate its security standards and procedures in order to protect your information with the best available means. Nothing is more important to us than our clients’ trust and confidence, and we will do whatever it takes to maintain the security of our professional relationships.


Safe Harbor

Price Capital LLC adheres to EU/U.S. Safe Harbor principles with respect to covered data transferred from the European Union to the United States. More information about the Safe Harbor program can be found at


Identity Verification

Price Capital LLC will use all means necessary to verify the information given on accounts, including the use of third party credit agencies, to comply with all government and industry regulations on Money Laundering. Failure to provide adequate and correct information on any account will result in reporting to the proper enforcement agency.



A third party posting may not contain or be linked to any “Objectionable Content”. Objectionable Content means any content that:

1. infringes upon any copyright, trademark, trade secret or patent of any third party;
2. violates any obligation of confidentiality;
3. violates the privacy, publicity, moral or any other right of any third party;
4. is hateful or obscene;
5. is being used to harass, stalk or otherwise threaten a person;
6. is libelous, defamatory, knowingly false or misrepresents another person; or
7. is threatening, promotes violence, promotes discrimination (whether based on sex,
religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, disability or age), promotes illegal
activities or otherwise contains materials that Penton informs the user that it considers objectionable.


Price Capital, in its sole discretion, will determine what constitutes “Objectionable Content” under this disclosure.


When posting or uploading (to, by way of example but not limitation, a blog, forum, forum profile, registration page, survey, or video uploading), a user must also:


1. Continue the general topic that is the focus of the blog;
2. Ensure that all postings made by the user are original materials
created by the user, unless proper attribution is given to a third party;
3. Not post any advertising or promotional content for themselves or any third party;
4. Not accept any compensation from a third party for placing any content in a posting;
5. Disclose all affiliations or relations necessary so that postings are not deceptive
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then this should be disclosed);
6. Not knowingly link to any downloadable applications or other content which may be
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7. Ensure that all opinions and statements are representative of the user’s honest views;
8. Maintain original description/footer and other website and writer identifying information; and
9. Not offer legal, financial or medical advice.


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